A volunteer paints flags in Rigoberta Menchu´s house.
Rigoberta Menchú goes to Ixehiguan Village, San Marcos´s region
Rigoberta cooks tamales for her breakfast
Rigoberta Menchu speaks in Ixehiguan village, San Marcos region
A man holds a Encuentro por Guatemala flag as a boy cleans his boots
Rigoberta Menchu walks through the town of Ixehiguan, San Marco´s region
Rigoberta fits a hat in a stall at Tacana´s Market
People atend to the rally in Ixehiguán
Rigoberta Menchu buys some fruits in Ixehiguán´s Market
Rigoberta greets a woman in Tacana
People try to get a picture of Rigoberta Menchu
Rigoberta walks though Tacana´s market, San Marcos region
Rigoberta Menchu leaves Amparo village after her speech
Rigoberta greets in Nuevo Progreso´s market
People attend a rally in San Geronimo village
Encuentro por Guatemala´s supporters go to a rally in San Geronimo village
Rigoberta waves a flag of Encuentro por Guatemala in Nuevo Progreso village
People attend the rally in Nuevo Progreso village
Rigoberta´s retinue arrives at Comitancillo, San Marcos region
Rigoberta speaks as Israel Reyes, candidate to be the mayor of Nuevo Progreso, applauds
Rigoberta´s retinue arrives at Comitancillo, San Marcos region
Rigoberta speaks in Nuevo Progreso village
Indigenous people attend the rally in Comitancillo for presidency of Guatemala
After receiving a present Rigoberta dances in Comitancillo for presidency of Guatemala
Indigenous people attend the rally in Comitancillo for presidency of Guatemala
Rigoberta speaks in Comintacillo
Supporters of "Encuentro por Guatemala" in Gatemala City